Telangana and Andhra Plastics Manufacturers Association, TAAPMA, Formerly (APPMA) is the leading trade association, established in 1969, representing 90% of Industry turnover of the Plastics Industry from the state of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh.

TAAPMA is a springboard for industry action, existing to exploit common opportunities and resolve shared problems. Membership encompasses polymer producers, suppliers and processors in addition to additive and machinery suppliers and manufacturers. is the home page for the plastics industry in the state of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh – a unique portal not only dealing with industry wide issues and hosting the most detailed listing of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh Plastics businesses on the web, but providing information about the latest trends in plastics, material datasheets and a comprehensive guide for troubleshooting.

TAAPMA is an authoritative, well-respected and objective source of unique information, views and commentary whose name has, as a consequence, become synonymous with plastics in the State of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh.

TAAPMA promotes the interests of its Members principally through its four Market Sector Groups and its many common interest Business Groups.

TAAPMA addresses industry wide concerns including Environment, Fire, Product Safety and Industrial Health & Safety. As a company involved in the plastics industry, can you afford not to be a member of the Association that best represents your interests and the interests of your cost?

Aims & Objectives

The objects of the association are:-

  • To provide facilities for the development and improvement of Plastic Industry in Telangana and Andhra Pradesh and provide industrial atmosphere for the progress of Plastic Industry
  • To strive for rendering best standard, highest quality and ethical business values to the satisfaction of trade and industry.
  • To safeguard the interest of members, plastic trade and industry as a whole.
  • To publish official publication of TAAPMA, giving prominence to its aims, objects and activities for the spread of knowledge and information relating to the plastic trade and industry.
  • To promote scientific and technical knowledge especially in regard to plastic industry and with a view thereof, to investigate, collect and circulate among the members of the association necessary, and useful information and statistical data and with that objects, to open, maintain, run a library and to purchase or subscribe for various journals, books, periodicals and magazines.
  • To promote the interests of the members and to make or secure representations to the State,   Central or quasi-government authorities on matters affecting the activities of the Plastic Industry.
  • To create and encourage mutual help and cooperation among members.
  • To help in training / servicing, securing employment for technicians and manual labourers.
  • To subscribe, to become members and to cooperate with or take part in any charitable, technical institute, association, or society whether incorporated or not and whose objects are wholly or partly identical or similar to those of the objects of this Association.
  • To run, to assist or manage a technical institute and training centers for Plastic Industry and mould making and allied industries.
  • To Promote bin culture and organize awareness programmes for proper use and disposal of plastic articles and plastics packaging products specifically mass consumer plastic items such as carry bags, cups, etc
  • To donate and install plastic dust bins and water tanks at industrial areas and other prominent places of human congregations.
  • To promote integration and dissemination of knowledge in various field of human development activities specifically related to academic and other educational programmes.
  • To protect the interest of the society and organize the activities related to environment protection.
  • To accept the donations/ contributions from the members and others for promoting activities on environment protection as well as social and human development and share such contributions with other organization having similar objectives.
  • To organize seminars, workshops, exhibitions, etc. for plastic manufacturers for business  promotion and increasing awareness about advancement of technologies, affluent treatment and environment protection.
  • To undertake plantations and develop green belts either on its own or with the help of other institutions / organizations / NGOS prominently in and around the manufacturing sites so as to minimize the effects of pollution.
  • To organize medical and health awareness camps for the workers of plastic and other Industries and also in slum areas
  • To promote / develop / assist and maintain industrial park for its members.

Activities of the Association

TAAPMA Telangana and Andhra Plastics Manufacturers Association Formerly (APPMA) was promoted in the year 1969 with the sole idea of serving the plastics industry which was in a very nascent stage then. Shri Hanumandas Darak made pioneering efforts in the early years. Since then TAAPMA has grown in strengths. It is sorting out the problems of plastic industrial units and is working as a bridge between the units and the Government. It has excellent rapport with the All India Plastics Manufacturers Association, Mumbai, Governments of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh (Department of Industries, Commercial Taxes, Electricity, Pollution Control Board etc.).

TAAPMA has been regularly interacting with government departments and succeeded in getting a novel method of set off of tax on raw materials (procured locally) to help not only genuine processors and also ensure that the revenue interest of the Government is safeguarded.

TAAPMA regularly organizes Seminars and Workshops to update the knowledge of members and to appraise them about what is happening in the field of R&D in Plastics both in India and abroad. It is also organizing ‘Plast Meets’ regularly. These interacting sessions do help in the spread of information about technology, market, government policy, taxation etc..

TAAPMA has also played a pro-active role on environment issues and organized awareness programmes in schools to catch the young minds to adopt the bin culture. Also we have been opening a stall in All India Industrial Exhibition at Nampally Exhibition Grounds to spread the message of bin culture, to educate the general public about Do’s and Don’t’s of Plastics, and use of plastic carry bags for food application

TAAPMA has also taken up the most prestigious issue of providing plastics litter free clean environment at the abode of Lord Shri Venkateshwara at Tirumala Hills. We have also made arrangements by providing 300 dust bins for collection of dry and wet plastic waste and for reprocessing the same at Tirupati, thus keeping the Tirumala Hills free from pollution.